Get ready for the highly anticipated opening of ‘Tick Tick Boom!’ happening tomorrow! Make sure to secure your tickets for this incredible show that you won’t want to miss. The show will run for 6 dates between February 20th and March 1st, starting at 8 PM. Arrive early at Club Singleton to grab a bite and enjoy some drinks before the show starts. With a runtime of 1.5 hours, it’s the perfect length for a night out filled with entertainment.
Located at Club Singleton, this show is a great way to support local talent while enjoying a live theatrical experience. Gather your friends and make it a night to remember at the theatre. Book your tickets now to reserve your spot and ensure you don’t miss out on this unforgettable event. We are looking forward to having you there!
Secure your tickets at: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1301066. For more details and information about the show, visit the Singleton Theatrical Society website at https://singletontheatricalsociety.com.au/. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to be part of an amazing night at the theatre.